Reminder: there
will be no meetings in January or
February. Next meeting March 8, 2016.
March 8, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Eric Lamont: "Update on the Status of Long Island Orchids."
The past and present status of Long Island’s 37 orchid species will be discussed, including threats to remaining colonies and recent conservation efforts. Dr.Lamont is president of LIBS and co-author of Orchids of New England & New York. He has published over 60 scientific papers including several on native orchids.
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
April 12, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Larry Liddle: "Giant Unicellular Green Algae."
This talk will cover their structure, ecology, and some cell biology. Several taxonomic groups of Green Algae (Chlorophyta) include diverse and often morphologically complex genera, all of which are made up of single cells, i.e. no crosswalls are formed during development. In spite of this, their biology remarkably parallels that of multicellular organisms, and, because of this, some provide unique research tools to explore the basic nature of cells. Larry is Professor Emeritus, Southampton College, Long Island University. He earned an M.S. in Botany from the University of Chicago where he worked on the floral vascular anatomy of Erica. He has a Ph.D. in Marine Botany, University of California, Santa Barbara, and also worked in the Department of Biology, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras.
Museum of Long Island Natural Sciences, Earth and Space Science
Building, Gil Hanson Room (Room 123), Stony Brook University, Stony
May 10, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Nicole Miller-Struttmann: "Emerging Mismatches in Plant–Bumble Bee Interactions with Climate Change."
Climate change is disrupting interactions among species through changes in phenology, geography, and morphology. Plant–pollinator interactions are mediated by functional traits, such as tongue length and flower depth. However, evolution in these traits may not occur at the same tempos. This talk will explore this dilemma in an alpine plant–bumble bee system. Nicole is an Assistant Professor at Biological Science Department, SUNY College at Old Westbury. She is an evolutionary ecologist who is fascinated by plants and insects, and her research centers on the ecology and evolution of species interactions and responses to climate change. In addition to her scientific pursuits, she strives to inspire the next generation of science enthusiasts.
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
June 14, 2016* Tuesday, 5:30 PM (Please note early start time)
Annual Barbecue:
The annual barbecue, featuring made-to-order hot dogs and hamburgers. Salads, deviled eggs, desserts, etc. are gladly accepted. At the traditional location—on the green behind the Muttontown Preserve meeting house.
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
September 13, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Andrew Greller: "Mayan Natural History in Belize."
Yearly visits to Belize over the past few years have allowed Andy to explore the connection between the long-lived Mayan Civilization and the landscapes they modified to sustain themselves. Here are the plants and animals that thrived with the Maya, and a peek into what remains of that once-mighty civilization. Andy is VP of LIBS and Professor Emeritus in the Biology Department of Queens College. He has published many articles in peer-reviewed journals on the flora and vegetation of Long Island. He still leads field trips, and presents talks on various botanical subjects.
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
October 11, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Jessica Enzmann: "Seatuck Environmental Association Efforts to Restore the American Chestnut on Long Island."
The American Chestnut was once a dominant tree in the forests of the Eastern United States, accounting for one out of every two trees in some woods. But an Asian chestnut tree, imported into New York in the late 1800s, carried a fungus that would change everything. Since the fungus, billions of trees have died and organizations such as Seatuck Environmental are working to preserve the few remaining trees and restore the population. Jessica is a recent graduate of Stony Brook University with a Bachelors of Science in Biology, with concentration in Ecology and Evolution. She plans to further her studies into wildlife science, and pursue a career in conservation.
Museum of Long Island Natural Sciences, Earth and Space Science
Building, Gil Hanson Room (Room 123), Stony Brook University, Stony
November 8, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
John Wernet and John Pavacic: "The Southern Pine Beetle Infestation on Long Island; Status and Trends."
This talk will cover background information such as the initial discovery and past history. It will touch on current trends and the ongoing activities to respond to, and manage, the infestation. John Wernet is Supervising Forester, Division of Lands and Forests, NYSDEC-Region 1, planning and managing DEC properties on Long Island. Previously, he was a private forester working with the Southern Pine Beetle in southern forests. John Pavacic is Executive Director, Central Pine Barrens Joint Planning and Policy Commission. Previously, he was Commissioner, Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation, and he worked with the DEC in Stony Brook and the Brookhaven Township
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
December 13, 2016* Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Members Night
Members are welcome to bring photos, stories, specimens, and tales of peculiar sightings of favorite plants. A great opportunity to show what you have found while exploring on Long Island or elsewhere. However, this year we would like to highlight the "elsewhere" side of things to showcase photos from the wildly successful 30th Anniversary trip to California. Please call Rich Kelly (516-354-6506) in advance to advise as to the approximate number of images/slides that you would like to show and preferred medium of presentation..
Location: Bill Paterson Nature Center, Muttontown Preserve, East Norwich
* Refreshments and
informal talk begin at 7:30.
Formal meeting starts at 8:00 PM.
to Muttontown: 516-354-6506
Directions to Stony Brook: 516-354-6506
2015 programs
2014 programs
2013 programs (partial list)
LIBS Speakers' Bureau